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Secret Mysteries of America's Beginnings
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Eye of the Phoenix

All Three Volumes on DVD

Antiquities Research Films, 2008

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Secret Mysteries of America's Beginnings unfolds the fascinating history behind the founding of America, and exposes the esoteric underbelly of its design. Learn the incredible secrets of the esoteric traditions hidden with the manifold layers of signs and symbols in our nations' infrastructure; symbols that for many represent the secret destiny of the world's greatest nation. Written and directed by Christian J. Pinto. DVD Region Code 1 (U.S. & Canada).

Eye of the Phoenix

Secrets of the Dollar Bill
Secret Mysteries of America's Beginnings Volume III

Antiquities Research Films, 2008

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Modern masonry claims that the all-seeing eye floating above the pyramid is not a Masonic symbol. But what did Freemasons President Franklin D. Roosevelt and his Masonic Vice President, Henry Wallace, believe when they attached this symbol to our currency in 1935? How were these American leaders influenced by the Russian mystic, Nicholas Roerich? Does the all-seeing eye represent the Masonic Christ? Was the eagle originally a phoenix bird? And what do all these occult symbols mean? Follow the journey of the Secret Mysteries series as we unveil their influence through the 20th century. Many believe that the real purpose of the many "Wars and Rumors of Wars" has been to establish a commonwealth of nations to rule the whole world. With the North American Union on the rise, is America the victim of deception? Or is she THE instrument of Global Government? Written and directed by Christian J. Pinto. Running Time: 170 minutes. DVD Region Code 1 (U.S. & Canada).

Riddles in Stone

The Secret Architecture of Washington D.C.
Secret Mysteries of America's Beginnings Volume II

Antiquities Research Films, n.d.

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Riddles in Stone: The Secret Architecture of Washington D.C. explores the highly controversial subject of the design of America's capital. Was the city built to reflect the majesty of America's newfound freedom? Or the hidden agenda of secret societies? With every major cornerstone laid by Freemasons, was the city built in a Masonic pattern? Embark upon this incredible journey as Riddles interviews experts on both sides of a heated debated. Watch as Freemason apologists defend some of the most direct and hard-hitting questions concerning the influency of Masonry in America, and its symbolism in Washington, D.C. Alongside them are leading researchers who maintain that occult architecture permeates the city, and conceals a secret agenda. Is there really a pentagram in the street layout north of the White House? Does a Masonic square and compass extend from the Capitol building to the Washington Monument? And why is the city filled with Zodiac symbols, mysterious faces and various god and goddess images? If America was founded as a Christian nation, where are the images of Jesus Christ? Or is it possible that Washington D.C. symbolizes another Christ, the Masonic Christ? Find out, in this bold and sure-to-be controversial documentary! Written and directed by Christian J. Pinto. Running Time: 170 minutes. DVD Region Code 1 (U.S. & Canada).

The New Atlantis

Secret Mysteries of America's Beginnings Volume I

Antiquities Research Films, n.d.

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Secret Mysteries of America’s Beginnings unfolds the fascinating history behind the founding of America, and exposes the esoteric underbelly of its design. Why is Washington D.C. build on the 77th Meridian? And are the Revolutionary War cities really built in perfect alignment with Stonehenge? Follow the journey of secret societies from England to the New World and learn of their "ancient hope" of establishing a democratic commonwealth that would one day extend to all nations. In the 16th century, Sir Francis Bacon was at the helm of such societies as the leader of the Rosicrucians and first Grand Master of modern Freemasonry. As such, he is considered by some to be the true founder of America. For centuries, controversy has surrounded this man who is said to be the illegitimate son of Queen Elizabeth I and the real author behind the Shakespeare plays. When Bacon penned his classic work, The New Atlantis, he outlined his vision for the perfect society; a democratic commonwealth governed by scientific achievement. How were the founding fathers impacted by Bacon's plan? And is America being driven by this vision today? Where The DaVinci Code meets National Treasure: Learn the incredible secrets of the esoteric traditions, hidden within the manifold layers of signs and symbols in our nation’s infrastructure; symbols that for many represent the secret destiny of the world's greatest nation. Written and directed by Christian J. Pinto. Running Time: 172 minutes. DVD Region Code 1 (U.S. & Canada).


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