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What Does the Bible Say About the Future?

30 Questions on Bible Prophecy, Israel, and the End Times

Charles H. Dyer, 2022

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Don’t get caught up in all the internet speculations and doomsday opinions. The real place to find out about the future is the Word of God. In What Does the Bible Say About the Future?, radio host and prophecy expert Dr. Charlie Dyer offers you an insightful look at the end times that’s grounded not in human fantasies but in the very revelation of God. You’ll get answers to questions like:

  • Are we in the last days right now?
  • Is Covid-19 a fulfillment of Bible prophecy?
  • Is the United States in Bible prophecy?
  • What difference should Bible Prophecy make in my life?

God didn’t give us Bible prophecy to tickle our imagination or satisfy our intellectual curiosity. Rather, God wants us to know about the end times so we can be confident in His eternal purposes. With a biblical understanding of the future, you’ll be powerfully equipped to live with faith and hope today!



  1. Are we in the end times/last days?
  2. Is Bible prophecy being fulfilled today?
  3. Are natural disasters, like earthquakes and plagues, a fulfillment of Bible prophecy?
  4. Does the temple need to be rebuilt before the end times can begin? If so, what will happen to the Dome of the Rock?
  5. Do the ark of the covenant and the red heifer need to be found before the end times can begin?
  6. Is Israel still God's chosen nation, or have they been replaced by the church?
  7. What role does Israel play in God's program for the future?
  8. What's the next even on God's prophetic calendar? How can we be so sure?
  9. Will people have a second chance to be saved after the rapture?
  10. What are the "signs of the time" mentioned by Jesus in Matthew 24, and are they happening today?
  11. How do we know Christians won't go through the tribulation period?
  12. What is the "time of Jacob's distress"?
  13. What is the prophecy of Gog and Magog in Ezekiel 38-39? Is it a Russian invasion of Israel?
  14. Where is the United States in Bible prophecy?
  15. Is China in Bible prophecy?
  16. Does Europe play a role in Bible prophecy?
  17. Who are the 144,000?
  18. Are the two witnesses predicted in Revelation 11 actually Moses and Elijah?
  19. What is the significance of the mark of the beast and the number 666? Are they somehow connected with computer chips, credit cards, and a cashless society?
  20. What is the Battle of Armageddon? Is it the end of the world?
  21. Do the Jewish festivals point to the time of Christ's return?
  22. Why will Jesus reign on earth for a thousand years?
  23. Will everyone in the millennium be born again and have glorified bodies? And if so, how can children be born?
  24. Will animal sacrifices be offered during the millennium? How do we reconcile this with the once-for-all death of Jesus on the cross?
  25. Why does the tree of life reappear in the book of Revelation?
  26. Is the New Jerusalem the same as heaven?
  27. Who will be judged at the great white throne judgment?
  28. What is the purpose for Bible prophecy? Why did God predict the future?
  29. Why did God tell us about some events in the future but not others?
  30. If prophecy is true, what difference should it make in my life today?



CHARLES DYER (B.A., Washington Bible College; Th.M. and Ph.D., Dallas Theological Seminary) served as provost and dean of education of Moody Bible Institute before becoming professor-at-large of Bible at Moody and host of The Land and the Book radio program. Charlie has traveled extensively throughout the MiddleEast for more than thirty years, leading almost a hundred trips, and is the author of numerous books, including A Voice in the Wilderness, What's Next?, The Rise of Babylon, and The New Christian Traveler's Guide to the Holy Land. Charlie and his wife, Kathy, have been married for more than forty-five years and have two grown children.


112 pages, paperback.
ISBN: 9780802424471